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Teacher - Isabel Salas

Mrs. Salas is a native Spanish speaker having grown up in Colombia.  She graduated from Texas Christian University where she majored in Media and minored in Spanish & Latin American Studies.  She enjoys working as a translator and interpreter and spending time with her family.  

Spanish Scope & Sequence: tOTAL Physical Response Method*
  • Preschool – Kindergarten:  Vocabulary, Actions, Songs, Stories & Cultural Studies
  • 1st – 4th Grade:  Nouns, Verbs, Spelling, Actions, Songs, Stories, Skits & Cultural Studies
  • 5th – 6th Grade:  Verb Conjugation, Sentence Structure, Writing, Conversational Speech, Actions, Songs, Stories, Skits  & Cultural Studies
  • 7th – 8th Grade:  Spanish I:  Buen Viaje Curriculum

*Total Physical Response Method models the way children learn their first language by placing the language in a physical context that allows for comprehension without translation.  Through movement, gesture, repetition, naming everyday objects, illustration and cultural studies, comprehension and verbal skills are developed.  Students acquire Spanish naturally 

A Sampling of Special Spanish Activities:
  • Cinco de Mayo
  • Las Posadas
  • Spanish I Field Trip to a Mexican Restaurant