Welcome to Crown of Life! For the past 25 years, we have been serving the students and families in the Colleyville area with Christian education and excellence in academics. Thank you for visiting our website and I want to personally invite you to visit our great school to see firsthand the care and attention we provide to our students.
Choosing the right school for your family is a big deal. There are a lot of school choices around and as parents, we desire the best for our children. We want the level of academic excellence to match the safe and caring environment we send our children into. We want the Christian education taught at school to match what we teach in our homes. We want our children to learn and grow not just academically but socially and spiritually as well. At Crown of Life, we strive to provide that well rounded and total education to each child. Our mission states that we are a loving, Christ-centered environment that ministers to students and families by nurturing the whole child academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically. Our desire is to live out this statement in all we do.
Along with the academic and Christian education, Crown of Life provides experiences in art, music, athletics, leadership, and relationship building. Our 8 Expectations give the road map to being Christ-like citizens in our community and help us realize how special we are in God’s eyes. We recognize each child as a unique and special creation of God with a future and purpose. Weekly chapel services and special events round out the experience that helps children build memories, knowledge, and character. Our students learn more than just academics. They learn life lessons, build lasting memories, and develop friendships that are meaningful and positive.
Check us out! See for yourself what Crown of Life Lutheran School has to offer. I look forward to meeting you and having you be a part of our great community.
In His Service,
Dan Dueck