Monday through Friday 8:15 am - 3:30 pm
Homeroom Teacher - Linda Nguyen
7th Grade Scope & Sequence:
- Language Arts: Compound/Complex Sentences, Independent/Dependent Clauses, Perfect & Progressive Tenses, Sentence Fluency, Multi-paragraph Essays, Personal Narrative, Expository Texts, Media Literacy, First & Third Person Point of View and Poetry & Drama
- Math: Pre-Algebra - Algebraic Terms, Irrational Numbers, Powers and Roots, Scientific Notation, Graphing Functions, Quantitative Comparisons, Balancing Equations, Transformation of Formulas, Literal Equations, Factoring Algebraic Expressions & Probability and Statistics.
- Life Science: Molecules, Cells, Organisms, Classification, Ecosystems, Adaptations, Natural Selection, Heredity & Reproduction
- Social Studies: Regions of Texas, Early Explorers of Texas, Spanish Colonial Texas, Mexican National Era, The Alamo & Goliad, Texas Independence, Republic of Texas, The Lone Star State, The Civil War in Texas, Conflict on the Frontier, Cattle & Cotton, Oil, World Wars & Depression and Modern Texas
- Bible: Prayers, Daily Devotional, Bible Study, Weekly Memory Verses and Weekly Chapel
- Enrichment Classes: Computer, Music, Art, PE and Spanish
A Sampling of Special 7th Grade Activities:
- Lock-In Retreat
- Life Size Alamo Art
- STEM Medical Mission ER Activity
- Morning at the Museum (Texas Gallery) Research Project & Presentation
- Field Trip to the Dallas Heritage Museum
- Field Trip to Austin, Texas