Monday through Friday 8:15 am - 3:30 pm
Teacher - Karen Knox
4th Grade Scope & Sequence:
- Language Arts: Reading Fluency, Reading Genres, Point of View, Dictionary & Thesaurus Skills, Capitalization Rules, Contractions, Prefixes & Suffixes, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositional Phrases, Conjunctions, Personal Narratives, Writing Reports and Persuasive Paragraphs
- Math: Place Value, Addition & Subtraction Fluency, Decimals, Double-Digit Multiplication, Long Division and Factors & Multiples
- Science: Technology & Design, Energy & Heat, Ecosystems, Earth’s Resources, Hands On Experiments and STEM Skills
- Social Studies: Texas Geography, Texas History, Texas Government & Citizenship and Texas’ Economy
- Bible: Prayers, Daily Devotional, Bible Study, Weekly Memory Verses and Weekly Chapel
- Enrichment Classes: Computer, Music, Art, PE, Spanish
A Sampling of Special 4th Grade Activities:
- Genius Hour
- Wagon Train Experience
- See-Saw
- Morning at the Museum (Texas Missions) Research Project & Presentation
- Field Trip to the Fort Worth Stockyards
- Field Trip to Nash Farms