Monday through Friday 8:15 am - 3:30 pm
Homeroom Teacher - Rachael Hamre
Mrs. Hamre is a graduate of Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska with a Lutheran Teacher Diploma, a BS in Secondary Education and concentrations in English, Speech and Drama. She has over 15 years of teaching experience and, in addition to her love of teaching, she has a passion for music and drama and has directed many productions. Mrs. Hamre teachers Middle School Language Arts and 5th Grade Religion Classes.
5th Grade Scope & Sequence:
- Language Arts: Possessive Nouns, Common & Proper Nouns, Plurals, Verb Usage, Strong Sentences, Strong Paragraphs, Expository Writing, Analyzing Text Structure, Greek & Latin Roots, Analogies, Context Clues, Author’s Purpose & Perspective, Fact & Opinion and Drawing Conclusions
- Math: Numbers & Operations in Base Ten, Operations with Algebraic Thinking, Fractions & Mixed Numbers, Measurement & Data, Geometric Figures and Personal Financial Literacy
- Integrated Science: Matter & Energy, Force & Motion, Earth & Space and Organisms & Environments
- Social Studies: Age of Exploration, Colonial America, American Revolution, Founding the Nation, Westward Expansion, Slavery and the Road to War, Civil War, Reconstruction, World Wars and The 21st Century
- Bible: Prayers, Daily Devotional, Bible Study, Weekly Memory Verses and Weekly Chapel
- Enrichment Classes: Computer, Music, Art, PE and Spanish
A Sampling of Special 5th Grade Activities:
- Lock-In Retreat
- Book Character Day
- STEM Ecology Day
- Morning at the Museum (Air & Space Gallery) Research Project & Presentation
- Field Trip to the Perot Science Museum
- Field Trip to the Morton Myerson Symphony