Teacher - Nikki Kinworthy
Mrs. Kinworthy graduated from Concordia University, Nebraska with a BA in both Psychology and Behavioral Science. Mrs. Kinworthy has a passion for serving others, sharing the love of Jesus and spending time with her family.
Physical Education Scope & Sequence:
- Movement: Balance, Running, Jumping, Hopping and Skipping
- Motor Skills: Throwing, Kicking, Volleying and Striking
- Wellness Concepts: Healthy Habits, Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility
- Games: Jump Robe, Tag Games, Ga Ga Ball, Hopscotch, Four Square, Volleyball, Basketball, Kickball, Soccer, Hockey, Frisbee, Baseball, Tennis and Badminton
A Sampling of Special Physical Education Activities:
- Fitness Challenge
- Jump Rope Day
- Field Day