Monday through Friday 8:15 am - 3:30 pm
Homeroom Teacher - Mark Stehno
Mr. Stehno received a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from the University of Florida and has over five years of teaching experience. He believes that students learn best through collaboration and hands on activities. He enjoys basketball, photography and spending time with family and friends. Mr. Stenho teaches Middle School Math and Computer Science classes and 8th Grade Bible.
8th Grade Scope & Sequence:
- Language Arts: Eight Parts of Speech, Literary Elements, Personal Narrative, History & Culture, Persuasive Essay, Style, Voice & Tone, Facts & Textual Evidence, Theme & Symbol, Setting & Mood, Write & Present and Research Project
- Math: Algebra I; Foundations of Algebra, Equations & Expressions, Functions & Relations, Probability & Data Analysis and Polynomials
- Earth & Space Science: Layers of the Earth, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Weathering, Erosion, Soil, Rocks, Minerals, Natural Resources, Energy, Solar System, Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets, Constellations, Galaxies, Satellites and Space Exploration
- Social Studies: The First Americans, Exploring the Americas, Colonial America, Spirit of Independence, The American Revolution, Branches of Government & The Constitution, The Federalist Era, The Jefferson Era, Manifest Destiny, North & South, Spirit of Reform, The Civil War & Reconstruction
- Bible: Prayers, Daily Devotional, Bible Study, Weekly Memory Verses and Weekly Chapel
- Enrichment Classes: Computer, Music, Art, PE and Spanish
A Sampling of Special 8th Grade Activities:
- Lock-In Retreat
- Math Competition
- STEM Space Mission
- Morning at the Museum (Presidents & First Ladies Gallery) Research Project & Presentation
- Field Trip to the George W. Bush Presidential Library
- Field Trip to Washington D.C.